Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Early Italian Wars: More Units and Final Army

The refurbishment/expansion of my Late Medieval/Early Renaissance army for the Holy Roman Empire is now complete. 

First up is another commander flying the Hanseatic League banner, which is also the coat of arms of the lead Hanseatic city of Lübeck.  The figures are plastics from Perry's War of the Roses line. 

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm Perry miniatures Hanseatic Command

More mounted knights in plastic from Perry. While the overall combined height of horse and rider is similar to my Front Rank knights, the riders are much smaller and the overall bulk is less. Having both units on the table looks fine, but I wouldn't mix figures into one unit.

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm Perry miniatures mounted knights

A supply cart from Front Rank.

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm Front Rank miniatures War of the Roses supply cart

Early Landsknecht pikemen from The Assault Group. I only needed 30 for my pike block, so used the other two as another command unit. Size-wise, they are around the same height as Old Glory and only slightly smaller than Perry.

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm The Assault Group (TAG) miniatures landsknecht pikemen

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm The Assault Group (TAG) miniatures landsknecht Holy Roman Empire command

Old Glory miniatures arquebusiers painted in the colors of Münster.

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm Old Glory miniatures arquebusiers from Münster

A mix of Old Glory and Perry plastic arquebusiers from Kiel. The Perry figures are a little taller and more slender than the Old Glory figures, but I think the variety of poses allows them to mix well enough in this unit.

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm Old Glory and Perry miniatures arquebusiers from Kiel

Perry, Crusader, and Wargames Foundry arbalest crossbowmen from Lübeck. The Perry and Crusader miniatures are sculpted in a very similar size and style and blend in quite well.  The older Foundry figures, while nice, run on the smaller side, so you'll have to be a bit more careful with how you mix them in. 

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm Perry, Crusader and Wargames Foundry miniatures arbalest crossbowmen from Lübeck

And with that my army is now complete. It was fun to revisit a project I started nearly 20 years ago for Warhammer Ancient Battles and I am really happy they are now getting time on the table with my Hail Caesar group after so long in storage. So far they have managed to beat the Hussites and Hungarians in two close battles, but we'll see if their luck continues to hold.

Wargaming Early Italian Wars: 28mm miniature Holy Roman Empire (HRE) army for Hail Caesar and Warhammer Ancient Battles


  1. What a splendid army! They do look fantastic.
