Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Punic Wars: Gallic and Italian Cavalry

 The refurbishment of my old Carthaginian army is starting to wind down, with just a few units remaining. I obtained some second hand cavalry years ago that has just been sitting in bags, and thought it was time to finally paint them up and get the on the table.

First up are some Gallic cavalry that look to be from Foundry. I didn't have shields for all the figures, so had to use some from the bits box.  They are really well sculpted and I think they'll look great on the table.

28mm Wargames Foundry Gallic Cavalry miniatures

28mm Wargames Foundry Gallic Cavalry miniatures

28mm Wargames Foundry Gallic Cavalry miniatures

28mm Wargames Foundry Gallic Cavalry miniatures

28mm Wargames Foundry Gallic Cavalry miniatures

Next up are some Italian cavalry from Old Glory. These were mixed in with a lot of other figures, but I believe they are the Ligurian pack, with perhaps some hill tribe figures included as well (half the figures had sculpted saddle blankets while the other did not, so it makes me suspicious that they aren't a single pack).  The horses supplied also seemed to be a mix of sculpting styles, so I'm not sure they are all the correct ones for these riders. But I got these for free as part of another deal, so am not going to complain and I think the end result looks good enough.

28mm Old Glory Italian/Ligurian Cavalry miniatures

28mm Old Glory Italian/Ligurian Cavalry miniatures

28mm Old Glory Italian/Ligurian Cavalry miniatures

28mm Old Glory Italian/Ligurian Cavalry miniatures

28mm Old Glory Italian/Ligurian Cavalry miniatures

At this stage, I've been working almost exclusively on Punic Wars for the last year (300+ figures either refurbished or newly painted) and am feeling a bit burnt out.  Since I now have more than enough done for a good size game of Hail Caesar, I've decide to pause work on this for a bit and focus on another army refurbishment project that I'll be starting this month.