Looking at online references, there seems to be a lot of variety in the red and blue shades people are using for the uniforms. I eventually settled on the following Vallejo color triads:
Red 70926, Carmine Red 70908, Scarlet 70817
Black 70950, Dark Sea Blue 70898, Dark Sea Blue/Field Blue 70964 Mix
The sprue doesn't come with a ton of options, which is a tad disappointing considering there seems to have been enough open space to add more. I would have liked to see a couple of more heads and arm variants, such as can be found on the new Perry set.
While Perry's seem to be the better of the two sets, overall I am happy with the final figures. Warlord recently had a 50% off sale on loose sprues so I went ahead and picked up another squad (plus some Natal warriors). Northstar is also working on a VSF set of rules, so I expect these will be pressed into service there as well.