Work and home life have been slowing me down a bit lately, but I'm still plugging away on painting my Chinese warlord army. Just off the table is my executioner team:
As with the rest of the figures currently in the army, they are from Copplestone Castings (though I now have some Brigade figures on the way). I think of these teams as terrifying psychological weapons, so I've decided to make mine rather gruesome looking and go heavy on the gore.
The ground has been given a coating of blood, dry brushed with gloss medium to make it look fresh, and plenty of splatter has hit the executioner himself. The prisoners' skin has also been given a wash of deep red and violet to show the vicious beatings they took in their final days.
Though this vignette is much more shocking than something I would normally put on the table, I think it really captures the horror of what it represents.