Work on my British force for Burma is in the home stretch with the addition of some Long Range Penetration Groups, better known as Chindits.
The bulk of these figures come from Warlord's Chindit Section box, with additions of the character and close quarter fighter blisters, some converted Warlord plastics, and a few TAG Chindit NCOs.
To enhance the units ragtag look, I've gone with a mix of faded green-gray and newer green-blue uniform colors, along with a few brown angora shirts and and one old faded khaki shirt. Webbing is predominately khaki, but with some jungle green kit as well.
The Warlord metal figures are well sculpted, but run on the thinner side when compared to TAG and Warlord plastics. In the below photo, the center figure is from TAG, while the rest are Warlord metal. The height can vary a bit between figures when you look at them side by side, but that disappears when you have them en mass. The one bit I found somewhat challenging when painting the metal Warlord figures was the eyes, as the sockets are deeply set on many figures. Perhaps they expect most painters to use a wash rather than actually paint in the eyes.
In this last photo, you can see two Warlord metal figures, a TAG, then two converted Warlord plastics figures to again show you a bit of the size difference.
Overall, I am quite pleased with the final results. Still pending are command, a couple of heavy weapons, and a few vehicles, but it's a good feeling to be within reach of a completed force.